Arranged in five groups: I. Vocal scores (8). II. Vocal parts (20). III. Chorus parts (86). IV. Promptbooks (12). V. Dialogue parts (78). The vocal scores are in two editions. One is by Cranz of Leipzig (187-?, pl. no. 12690), and the other is by Spina of Wien (187-?, pl. no. F.G. 1524). The vocal parts are in English and German. The English (15 copies) are mimeoed, several carrying the signatures of performers on covers. The alternate title "Jolly Boys" appears on the covers of two copies. These parts form 3 sets of varying completeness. The five German vocal parts are holographs, in a larger format, forming one incomplete set. The chorus parts include five mimeoed parts, all for bass, in English; 72 holograph parts in German with English translation, several carrying performers' names; and nine large holograph and manuscript parts in German of varying completeness, as well as several loose manuscript pages. The promptbooks are in English and German. Of the English six are typed and bound in black covers. One copy carries the indication "Property of K. Glover, Musical Library, 1328 Broadway, New York" on the title page; and "Original version as produced at New York Casino, Aronson's" in preliminaries. Several copies contain annotations and alternate text handwritten in. Three promptbooks are typed, in English, and bound in paper. The three German promptbooks are manuscript. Two list performers in the preliminaries. The third is handwritten on 42 numbered pages of stationery from the Hotel Reynolds of Boston, 623 Washington St., 189-, and six final pages of pencil manuscript. The dialogue parts are in German and English. The 29 German parts are all manuscript, consisting of five unbound parts as two sets of bound parts of varying completeness. The 48 English parts are bound and form four sets, one of which is incomplete. The final English part is handwritten on unbound lined sheets and labelled in pencil "Part of Geyer."